
The billing configuration in ShipWithDjango is highly flexible, allowing you to tailor the payment models to fit your specific needs. This configuration is managed through the CONFIG/ file, where you can define how your application handles subscriptions, credits, or both. Below is an overview of the key settings and how to configure them.

Billing Model

The BILLING_MODEL setting determines the payment model your application will use. It can be set to one of the following options:

  • subscriptions: The application uses a subscription model. You need to define subscription plans in the SUBSCRIPTIONS list.

  • credits: The application uses a credits model. You need to define credit packages in the CREDIT_PACKAGES list.

  • both: The application uses both subscriptions and credits. You need to define both subscription plans and credit packages.

  • none: The application does not use any billing model. Choose this option if you want to provide the service for free.

Subscription Plans

If your BILLING_MODEL is set to subscriptions or both, you need to define the available subscription plans in the SUBSCRIPTIONS list. Each subscription plan is a dictionary with the following keys:

  • key: A unique identifier for the subscription plan.

  • name: The name of the subscription plan displayed to users.

  • icon: The name of a Feather icon associated with the plan.

  • description: A brief description of what the plan offers.

  • price: A dictionary that includes:

    • value: The monetary value of the subscription.

    • currency_symbol: The currency symbol for the price (e.g., €, $, £).

  • stripe_price_id: The ID of the Stripe price object, used to create the subscription in Stripe.

  • show: A boolean value indicating whether to display this plan on the pricing page.

  • lifetime: A boolean value indicating if this is a lifetime subscription.

  • included: A list of features included in the plan.

  • not_included: A list of features not included in the plan.

Example Subscription Plans

Here are examples of how you might configure different subscription plans:

  1. Free Tier

        'key' : 'default',
        'name' : _('Free tier'),
        'icon' : 'smile',
        'description' : _('For those who want to try out the service before committing'),
        'price' : {
            'value' : 0.00,
            'currency_symbol' : '€',
        'show' : False,
  2. Lifetime License

        'key' : 'lifetime',
        'name' : _('Lifetime license'),
        'description' : _('Enjoy all the features of the service forever'),
        'icon' : 'thumbs-up',
        'price' : {
            'value' : 299.00,
            'currency_symbol' : '€',
        'stripe_price_id' : 'price_1PKewlRq8MH1iNLlqTtsRHrL',
        'show' : True,
        'lifetime' : True,
        'included': [_('One good thing'), _('One other good thing'), _('And one more good thing')],
        'not_included': [_('One bad thing'), _('One other bad thing'), _('And one more bad thing')],
  3. Monthly Subscription

        'key' : 'monthly',
        'name' : _('Monthly subscription'),
        'description' : _('Enjoy all the features of the service for a month'),
        'icon' : 'calendar',
        'price' : {
            'value' : 20.00,
            'currency_symbol' : '€',
        'stripe_price_id' : 'price_1PKexCRq8MH1iNLl6Bub67Op',
        'show' : True,
        'lifetime' : False,
        'included': [_('One good thing'), _('One other good thing'), _('And one more good thing')],
        'not_included': [_('One bad thing'), _('One other bad thing'), _('And one more bad thing')],

Credit Packages

If your BILLING_MODEL is set to credits or both, you will define credit packages in the CREDIT_PACKAGES list. Each credit package is a dictionary with the following keys:

  • key: A unique identifier for the credit package.

  • name: The name of the credit package displayed to users.

  • icon: The name of a Feather icon associated with the package.

  • description: A brief description of what the package offers.

  • price: A dictionary that includes:

    • value: The monetary value of the credit package.

    • currency_symbol: The currency symbol for the price.

  • stripe_price_id: The ID of the Stripe price object, used to create the checkout session in Stripe.

  • show: A boolean value indicating whether to display this package on the pricing page.

  • credits: The number of credits provided by the package.

Example Credit Packages

Here is an example of how you might configure a credit package:

10 Credits

    'key' : 'ten_credits',
    'name' : _('10 credits'),
    'description' : _('Get 10 credits to use on the service'),
    'icon' : 'thumbs-up',
    'price' : {
        'value' : 10.00,
        'currency_symbol' : '€',
    'stripe_price_id' : 'price_1PNE60Rq8MH1iNLlO6gf9B55',
    'show' : True,
    'credits' : 10,

Configuring Stripe

For both subscription plans and credit packages, the stripe_price_id is crucial as it links your plans and packages to Stripe’s payment processing. Make sure to configure these correctly by creating the corresponding prices in your Stripe dashboard.

Setting Up Subscription Plans in Stripe

  • Monthly or Annual Subscriptions: In Stripe, create a "recurring" price and use the generated price ID in the stripe_price_id field.

  • Lifetime Subscriptions: Create a "one-time" price in Stripe and use the generated price ID.

Setting Up Credit Packages in Stripe

  • For credit packages, create a "one-time" price in Stripe for each package and use the corresponding price IDs.

Last updated